Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ladymusicc Site News has moved.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

everything is new

So, I recreated the layout for my web site, but I'm trying to make it a CSS layout. I'm not sure if it will work out, but I'm willing to try. A lot of the other pages are getting a makeover too. This is pretty much all I can do, until my Dad decides he wants to give me my stuff back. He is a terrible procrastinator. So, until I do get all of my files, and until I can begin uploading everything, for now, this will have to do. Remodeling and what not. I'm going to add what I can. Until I can add the rest. Unless that lightning fried my hard drive and it's all gone. But we won't go there. ;) Not yet any ways. <:(

Until next time..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The wheels are in motion

So, I finally got a new laptop. I wasn't expecting one for months. It's actually my very first. So I'm pretty excited about it. It's real new to me though. So I'm still trying to get the hang of things. I should be getting all of my files back soon from my Dad's friend Troy (who works on my computer(s) when they screw up) So, the web site will be getting updated and I will be getting back to work once more. So, I'm pretty excited. Just thought I'd update and let you guys know what's going on. See ya later.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


i love it.

u p d a t e

Well it turns out that I will be getting a new hard drive. When? No idea.
I have not the slightest clue of when I can get my new computer.
So I have no idea when I will be able to get back to work on the site.
But I am editing what I can. I created a temporary Poems&Songs page
in case you didn't know. I am adding new songs/poems to it every day.
So, go check it out if you want. Also, if you haven't sign up for the
e-blast update, then you need too. (it's on the subscribe page) I have
a lot of people who have signed up for it. So go check it out. Read
about that there. Well that's all for now. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She lives in a fairy tale

Just to let everyone know, about 2 weeks ago or so, lightning struck my house and did some crazy stuff to a lot of things down here in my basement. There was this battery underneath the house that was ringing like crazy, we finally turned it off. but it was horrible! any how, i tried turning on my computer, and it wouldn't turn on. It was plugged up and everything. And it wouldn't turn on. So, basically, it crashed. We think the motherboard just got fried. I think all of my stuff is still okay. Or at least I'm praying so. I won't cry or freak out until I know the facts. So for now, I'm very calm. I'm not worried. I think it just crashed from the lightning. We're going to get it fixed. And there's a possibility that I may be getting a new hard drive. Depending on if mine is worth saving or not. I'm going to get it fixed, hopefully, by the end of this week. Waiting and hoping. So, if nothing is happening to the site, then that's why. All of my stuff was on there. And I have no way of editing my site. I don't have any of my files on here. But I am still making graphics. I recently made a wallpaper. And a blend. So I am still working on that. I'd love to work on getting texture packs together for you all. But once again, all of my stuff is on THAT computer. I'm currently using my parents laptop. Well.. that's the update for now.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

new things happening

A lot of things are happening. I'm working on a lot of things. The portfolio, the poems and songs. But soon, I will be going a quick little hiatus because we are moving. And I'm not sure how soon we can get the internet back up. But I will be working on what I can. So sit tight. I can't wait to get started on the freebies for you guys. I make tons of textures all the time. And I cannot wait to get them together, slap them in a folder, just for you to download and use in your own stuff. I can't wait. So be watching for that. And please, if you haven't, which I know you haven't, because no one has. But please subscribe. I will not email you all the friggin time. You DO get to select when you want to be emailed. I wonder if anyone has even glanced at that page. But be sure to check it out if you haven't. It's free! Come on. Please?

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

spark of hope

To who ever this may concern,

I was looking at some really rather beautiful layouts yesterday.
I picked me quite a few that I am going to edit and use in my
"poem&songs" section. Of course credit to 99mockingbirds,
would be given. You can get a link back to that on my home page
(if she will let me use her stuff) But I'm pretty excited.
Just seeing those layouts sitting there, it was like wow. A layout
already coded. All I have to do is upload my stuff. So, I was veryyy
excited. And I can't wait to get started on that section. It's going
to happen this week.

There may also be an absence of me on the internet.
I am probably going to be moving pretty soon. And I
might be without internet for a few days. but, not like it matters.
It's not like I have a BUNCH of visitors who miss me.
This is mainly, just for me. A project, so to speak.

So, ta-ta! for now,
to the world I imagine
is reading this.

Thanks for reading,
-Corinne (Ladymusicc)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jon, how lovely you are to me.

Jon said...
corinne :) i haven't visited here in a while and it's good to see you're still updating! i can't wait for ladymusicc to open. i miss having lazy days. :( i haven't made grapihcs in so long. wait..this is about you, sorry, ignore me now xD i hope you had a good weekend, though. whether or not you worked on the site, it doesn't matter. i just hope you enjoyed yourself. :) i promise to visit here more often to comment, i always fall in & out of contact with you (and it's always my fault) but i don't want it to happen again. =D hilaryfan opened a chat so hopefully one day i'll find you on there! talk soon <3

Jon, you are a wonderful person. Your comments come at just the right time. I feel horrible that I did not see this sooner. Yet, thankful. Because I really needed something to "lift me up" so to speak. I come on here to update my blog, and I read my last entry where I say "I don't care if you say hey you're ugly, just comment so I know you've read this" and no one commented. Wow. How lovely do I feel right now? I'm fat, ugly, and now, no one cares if I update or not. That's just lovely. So, I scroll down, hoping that maybe someone left something some where. And sure enough, there was you. & your lovely post. Yes, it was from October of last year. But it was there. Your enthusiastic attitude, with your more than beautiful words of speech, was there. On my screen. Just sitting in my blog, ready to perk me up. God has used you, to bless me. So thank you. I don't mind hearing about you. You may come on here and rant all you want too. You could comment on any of my entries and type 15 paragraphs about yourself, your week, and all the crap you may be dealing with. I wouldn't care. I would just appreciate the fact that you paid a visit. So here's to you love. You're so nice & kind. One day, who ever you do marry, you're going to make them very happy.

And now a little news about my site (if anyone is reading this)

I am fixing my "Ladymusicc" section in the Portfolio.
I hate having 800 pics of me. Like I said, I'd rather
have one, and just give people a link to follow if they
want to see more. So, I did. I sent it to myself so I can
edit it on my parents laptop (because my computer will
not let me open Windows Explorer) so I have to use
my parents laptop to edit all this stuff. (hence why it
rarely gets updated now a days) So, I am doing that.
And I need to edit my Biography again. Apparently.
It's not showing for me. And I want to add a contact to
my layout. CRAP! I keep forgetting to do that. Psh.
Like anyone would "contact" me. xD Oh well. That's about
it. Thank you, dear beautiful soul, who is reading this.
Be blessed.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I guess I should post something, just in case there are people who read this blog.

So, I added a new introduction to the site. I changed the layout. (if you have not noticed) I must say, I like it a lot better. I changed my biography. So now you don't feel like you're reading a book. But I forgot to mention one of my favorite animals is the wolf. So I have to edit it, then fix that. I want to edit my portfolio, the "me" section. I want to add just one cute pic of me. And then allow people the option to see the other fourteen billion pics of me. I also still have to change the image from PNG to JPEG. But, all in time. Still making graphics. And I post them on my FB just to let you know. So if you have a FB. Be sure to join my group. You don't have to friend me just join my group (if you'd like to see my graphics on there)
So, yep. That's pretty much all that's going on with that. Thank you, if there is anyone who is reading this. It would make my whole entire week if you left a comment. I don't care if you said "hey, you're ugly" that would let me know you have at least seen this.

So a personal thank you, from me to you. If anyone is reading this.
Have a fabulous week.

Friday, February 5, 2010

it's all good.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

To whom it may concern,

I made a new introduction for my site.
And I edited the site and everything,
but when I go to it, it goes to my old
introduction. I deleted the image so
it just shows a broken link. I don't
know how long it will take for this to
work out, so please bare with me.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just to let everyone know
something I'm currently
working on is the Poems
& Songs section. I didn't

want to make graphics
today, so I thought I'd do
some coding. And that's 
what I'm doing right now.
Just so everyone knows.
I am doing a little something
right now. :)

Thanks for reading,
take care.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, my computer's security failed a few months ago. So, I probably have a bunch of viruses like I did last time. Last time the guy found 5,000 viruses on my computer. Not a lie. 5,000 exactly. Well, it might had been more. But that's the number my mother told me there was. My computer isn't acting as janked up as it was then. So hopefully, there's only a hundred. ^_^ Or less? =O Any how. I cannot open Windows Explorer on my computer due to the viruses. It effects my computer in weird ways when stuff like this happens, and it shows to not let me open Windows Explorer. So, until I get it fixed, I can't edit my web site. I'll have you know though, that I am working on graphics. Just catching up on long over due work. Making blends and wallpapers. So by the time I can edit my web site, maybe it won't take that long to edit my site. I'll just add the stuff and whatever. So, I can do other things. And I currently am. Thanks for reading, & have a great week.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I've actually been working on a lot of wallpapers. So that's awesome. My computer has improved a bit. but it's still hard to work with. Come January I should have things up & running. I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

My next project I will be working on is videos for my youtube account.
I am such a funny person. But I feel like when I TRY to make funny
videos, it doesn't happen. Although my mom seems to laugh her
head off. That makes me feel nice. But I need your help. Please post
below, a list of things you think are funny. Preferably something I can
do by myself. Since I don't really hang out with anyone, most or probably
all videos will be done by myself. Sort of what Lucas does. (Fred) So,
just give me some ideas I can work with. Please post below. Anonymous
comments are allowed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

uhh, yeah.

So my computer has viruses, and it's acting stupid. I can't really save or open anything. Sometimes, occasionally, I can. But lately I've been having to restart my computer a lot, and close out frozen programs. Like I was working on a really cool wallpaper. It's saved, but I'm not finished with it. And every time I try to open it, everything decides it wants to freeze. So, I have no idea when I'll get to finish that. I was looking for a new domain, but my mom said it's just be to stay with my host now. Everything has so little of space. And we needed something cheap. This is my best alternative. So, I'm staying with my host. I just thought it would be easier on me and her if I left. But, apparently, that won't be happening.

Any how, about the site. I'm not sure what I'll be doing. If I want to start working on the wallpapers, or just stay with the Album artworks. Or do a little bit of everything and try to get everything done. I like to keep my mind focused on one thing at a time. So, I'll probably stay with Album Artworks.

But for now, it looks like I won't be able to do much of anything. Due to the fact my computer wants to act like a bastard. It's not its fault. It has viruses. So, whatever. In time, it will get fixed. But for now, it's hard to do pretty much anything. Plus it's the holidays. Everything is really busy. I haven't been online much. And I've barely had the time to work on my web site. If I do have the time, I don't feel like doing it. Blahh. The holidays are nice. But often times stressful.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great week.
& Happy Holidays.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm done with chopping up the images. So now I'll post them, then start posting the links, then the portfolio will be finished.

There's been a set back.

Which is okay. I suppose. It gives me something different to do.
I just hate I have to go and re-do the Portfolio.

Apparently, my host found out that I had extremely large
images in my portfolio. It was my photos on one big
image. Causing it to be 25 MBs. It was unfair for the
other hostees she's currently hosting. So she told me
to resize them. Instead I'm just cutting them images
and saving them in GIF. She asked me to save them
in JPEG because PNG actually takes up more space.
But I told her GIF would be better. And just to make
sure, I saved the same photo in GIF and in JPEG.
The JPEG was 95 kbs. While the GIF was only 35 kbs.
And was still in great condition. So, all the images
are being cut up, and saved in GIF. I will be done with
this little project very soon. I will code, upload, and be done with that.

She asked me to also change some of my layout images.
So I will be doing that, as well. I'm not touching the artfolio
though. What's done is done. And I won't change it unless
I just HAVE too. The rest I will save in GIF though.

Also, I'm looking into getting a new domain.
One of my own. I want to have my own domain
so that I can stop following the rules of others.
And I can do whatever I want, however I want too.
I won't have to consult with someone or think
that I might get in trouble if I post something on my site.
It's mainly about being in charge. I just want to be able
to not have to worry about sharing. Or how much space
I'm taking up. That is the bottom line. "Space". Because
I have well over 5,000 graphics. And some are very large.
So I take up loads of space. Not to mention the countless
poems and songs I have. And all those pages I'll have to
upload. This should happen very soon. My mom is got
a job at our church. And is getting paid for it. (I think she will)
So she said if I find a cheap one, she'll buy it for me.
I'm very excited and I hope this happens quickly.
Although it will suck because all that coding I just did in
the "icons" section, I'll have to re-do. I posted well over a thousand icons.

Well, that's about it for me now. Thank you for reading.
I wish someone would leave a comment and say "hey,
I read this post" or whatever. But it doesn't really matter.
This is more for me, then anything. just something to have.

Thanks for reading, if you did.
And have a wonderful week.

P.S. In case you haven't noticed, I made myself a new banner.
I actually asked some people to do it. I thought it would be fun
to make a contest out of it. And let others make graphics for a
chance. And let their graphics be displayed for once instead of
my own. But only one person said they would enter, and they
still didn't enter. I was like "oh that's nice. So great to see how
much you care" So, I just ended up making one myself. And I
must say, I really like it. No I was not inspired by Twilight. I was
inspired by a graphic I made years ago. Which was inspired by
a poem about girls and how we feel lonely sometimes. It was
actually really neat. but it was in an email and I lost it. So point
is, I made a new banner. Here it is. And that's all for now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Album Artwork section is under go.

I've actually been working for a while now on the section. I wanted to begin coding it. After making the same kind of graphics for so long it gets a tad boring. And instead of doing it because you want too, it begins to feel like you're doing it because you have too. And I want each of them to be my best. Not second best. But I have been making a lot of album artwork covers. You will be able to use them in your iTunes and/or on your iPod. Maybe even print them out and use them in a CD case of a CD you might have made of that particular artist or band. I've asked some people to give me a list of artists who I should make a cover of. And I got quite a few responses. Some of them I was already planning on making a cover of. While others I have already made. Most are new and now I am beginning the process of making one of every artist I have in my iTunes. Well my music any ways. If I continue to work diligently, I should have this part of the artfolio done in no time. And it will be ready for your use at least by the beginning of the new year. :)

Thanks for reading.
Thank you for visiting.
& as always, have a great week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

almost done

I'm almost done with the icons section. I am so freakin' happy! :D
Even if no one looks at my site, It just makes me happy to do this, for me.
& soon, I will move on to the Album Artwork section. :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So yeah, first post. I'm  not sure what exactly I'll be posting here. But I'm sure I can find something to post. ;)

Posted via web from Until I drive you away, I know what you'll say. You'll say Oh. & I promise you this, I'll always look out for you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm currently working

I'm working on the artfolio section. I'm coding the "icons" area. FINALLY!  This is wayy over due.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I met a nice bird that told me about you.

So, yes. I'm back. And no, I haven't started working yet. But I'm planning on it tonight, or tomorrow. Depends on what I feel like doing. Sometimes you just need those boring days. Where you do nothing,
but lie around. And watch television. I got tired of doing that all day. So.. now I'm on the computer. I'm gonna go ask my mom if we're about to go anywhere. & if not, I'll start working. And if so.. I won't :D

If you ever want to comment, or make a suggestion about the site,
I have allowed people who are anonymous to comment. so please,
don't hesitate to do so. I'd really love it if someone would comment
every now and again. Or, for a first time at least.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Short little break, but back to work

I have been working on the artfolio for a while. It was coming along so great. The icons section was almost done. Until i decided to add more. In the mist of that, I found an old photobucket account that had tons of my old work in it. So of course I saved everything. Almost, a few things I over looked and I deleted along with the account. But now I have to sort through all of those graphics, & then upload the rest of the icons, and then the icons that I am creating. I was also sick this past weekend. A fever of a 104. But it came & went within 2 days. I puked twice. It was just bile. Still not fun though. So now I just have ulcers in the back of my mouth I'm waiting to clear up. There's like four of what I saw. HUGE papas. -.-  So, while being sick, I haven't been able to work. That put a pause. and next week, sadly.. I won't be able to do ANYTHING.
I won't be able to work on the site for about 3 days. My family & I are going on a nice little vacation.
I promise to take tons of pictures and upload and tell ya a bed time story. It will be nice though. But I will miss the fact that I won't get to make a single graphic or what not. But.. I'm sure I'll get over it. ;)


Well, I need to rant. I need to let out some thoughts to a world that doesn't really care.
I'm going to my other blog now to whine and fuss and what not. Thanks for reading.
Have a great week!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


YAYY! I'm so happy. But yeah, it's done. & there is a temporary gallery up as well. :)
Check it out sometime.

Have a great week.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Quick Note

I have finished "Pets" & I should be done with "Nature" tomorrow. I will get started on "Art", & the Portfolio will be done. I'll code it, post it. & get to work on the Artfolio! In all the years I've had a website, the artfolio has never been completely finished. No where close in fact. I'm going to make a small gallery so there can be something! to look at :)

Thanks for reading.
& have a great week!

Monday, September 7, 2009

WO! BABY! 70 views!

I know I've done it myself. From editing my blog & "viewing" it.
But last I checked, I only knocked it up to 24. Or so.
So.. many thanks to all the people who have looked at my blog.
And if it's just one person "refreshing" it, and messing with me,
well.. thanks ;)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What am I doing?

Here's what I'm doing.

Still working on the Portfolio.
I'm on "Nature" So, I'll finish that up,
code the portfolio. And post. Then I'm
moving on to, maybe Poems & songs.
Or the Artfolio. I'm not sure yet.
I'm still trying to figure out how to
make it look and opporate.
It's hard coding your own gallery.
so.. please be patient.

I forgot to mention, I'm adding an "art" section to the portfolio.
Where I show everyone my paintings and such. so I have to add
that as well. But that shouldn't take long... hopefully. xD

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's a first post, in a new blog, & it feels so good

woohoo. I was singing that in my head. (the title that is)

So, this is the official news blog for my website "Ladymusicc"
If I'm doing and/or going to be doing anything new to the site,
you'll here about it here. And if I'm going on a hiatus, you'll
here about it here. So, a lot of cool stuff. Right now I'm finishing
up my Portfolio, so that should be up soon.
Then I'll hit the "Poems & Songs" section.
So, it's all almost completely done. Then I can finally do the "Artfolio"
SO excited about that! But how will I do it? no idea. But we'll see.
Keep visiting to see what's new.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great week.
